Word and Print
In July 2018 I attended a course at the Bodleian Library's printing workshop in Oxford. "Make a hand-printed book in 5 days" was an intensive introduction to designing, type-setting, illustrating, printing and binding a small book. I returned home from the five days exhausted, but proudly clutching my very first hand made, illustrated, hard bound book. The book which I called "The Garden", I dedicated to my mother who so loved her own plot. It is not perfect by any means but I am proud of it.  I have produced a further four small books with linoprint illustrations and digital rather than type set words. The inspiration for these books came from the rambles that I enjoyed together with husband, father or friends in 2019. Pages from these books can be viewed in the gallery below.

  RH. 31st Oct 2020 

Odoo • Text and Image