Burghfield Art Group

Starting as an evening class at The Willink School in Burghfield Common many years ago, the Burghfield Art Group continues to meet every Wednesday evening (19:00 to 21:00) during school term time at Mortimer Hill Studios, Mortimer, Berks. With many of the original members still attending, the evenings are spent working either on individual projects or the occasional joint one, see Joint Projects. During the summer months we can be found out and about sketching local scenes. We also enjoy group trips to galleries and restaurants. Some of our sketches can be found here.

During Covid 19 lockdowns with "live" meetings no longer possible, a regular on-line Art Challenge kept the group members in touch and their spirits up. Images from a number of these challenges can be seen here.

The colourful result of one of our joint projects is shown on the right. We were warmed by the use of tropical colours and the company of fellow artists.

15th July 2024         (Tropical colours to lighten our mood in our February 2022 Gauguin Project)